We celebrated Resurrection Sunday yesterday by going to church with my dear husband, kids, mom, sister, 2 brother-in-laws, mother-in-law, and father-in-law. We took up an entire row, and it was great having most of the family there. Ray gave an excellent sermon and preached to the validity of Christ's resurrection, probably answering some questions for the skeptics in the audience, or at least challenging their position. I know I was there too and came to the realization during my search that the death and resurrection of Christ really is real, and I now know I will spend eternity with our Savior, Jesus. Ray challenged people yesterday to "Prove to him it isn't real!" Seek and you shall find the truth and the truth shall set you free. It also says in the Bible without the resurrection of Christ, our faith is futile (I Cor. 15:17).
It was Ethan's first Easter, and while he is too young to look for eggs like his sister, we filled a few eggs with Cheerios and animal crackers for his breakfast, which he loved! We also had an egg hunt and craft at the church on Saturday afternoon and went to brunch with a few of our friends from college on Saturday morning. I taught my last Sunday School class on Sunday and went out with a bang, complete with getting glue on my face and in my hair during the craft, but it was fun and I'll definitely miss those 1st and 2nd graders!
We also hosted Easter dinner after church for Rob's family and my family and we're so blessed to have both families in town. It was really fun and we pulled out my grandma's china set and tacked on three card tables to our little table to make seating for 12. But hey, it worked! Also, I forgot to take pictures of the kids dressed up for church, but will post a picture soon of Ashleigh in the beautiful dress her grandma sewed for her. I think between rushing off in the morning after looking for eggs and having the company over after church, I just plain forgot to get pictures of Ashleigh!
It was Ethan's first Easter, and while he is too young to look for eggs like his sister, we filled a few eggs with Cheerios and animal crackers for his breakfast, which he loved! We also had an egg hunt and craft at the church on Saturday afternoon and went to brunch with a few of our friends from college on Saturday morning. I taught my last Sunday School class on Sunday and went out with a bang, complete with getting glue on my face and in my hair during the craft, but it was fun and I'll definitely miss those 1st and 2nd graders!
We also hosted Easter dinner after church for Rob's family and my family and we're so blessed to have both families in town. It was really fun and we pulled out my grandma's china set and tacked on three card tables to our little table to make seating for 12. But hey, it worked! Also, I forgot to take pictures of the kids dressed up for church, but will post a picture soon of Ashleigh in the beautiful dress her grandma sewed for her. I think between rushing off in the morning after looking for eggs and having the company over after church, I just plain forgot to get pictures of Ashleigh!
What a resemblance these babies have to their daddies!