Am I still considered to be a blogger, even though my last post before this one was Ethan's birthday back in June? Funny that the time since then has really flown by! I do have good intentions to continue blogging, but the Facebook pull is just too easy to write one or two sentences and post a few pictures and call it good.
So as an update on the last 5 or so months of our crazy life... Tyler's first tooth came in just two weeks ago and I think he's working on 3 others at the same time (you can see the top two and the other bottom one trying to poke through). He's a little guy in just the 10th percentile for weight and height. Some say they walk early when they have siblings to watch, but I think he's content just watching and won't pull up or crawl or walk for a while. He does a little army crawl on his stomach to move forward, but is happy just rolling around on the floor.
Ethan and Ashleigh are doing well. I started educating Ashleigh at home this year and just jumped in with a kindergarten curriculum in August. I didn't do a lot of research on the different types or even attend a curriculum fair as I've heard that's overwhelming. We're using A Beka Book kindergarten along with some supplement Bible reading and scripture memorization and I'd say God just fills in the rest. I just read this on why to choose homeschooling for my friends that are still undecided on the subject.