I also went to Lakeside on Tuesday with my friend, Amy, and our free passes from the summer reading program at the library, which was like a trip down memory lane for me since my mom took us to Lakeside when we were kids once a year with the summer reading coupons too. I have to say though that almost all the rides were identical to when I was a kid... I'll just leave it at that!
Yesterday, we went to a dairy for a tour with my moms' group from church and the kids and moms got to take a tour, see a movie, taste samples, witness the cows being milked, pet and feed the calves and goats, and learn how a dairy is run. You sure look at a cow being milked much differently after you've nursed and pumped for your own children! We also brought sack lunches and ate together after the tour and bought some homemade ice cream cones for dessert. It was a great day and fun getting to know some of the moms and their kids better. We definitely had great weather compared to today which is foggy, drizzly, and about 50F outside!
Can't wait to see Rob in just a few hours and to celebrate his birthday together after we pick him up. I know his trip has been long with 12-hour work days, plus dinner with his co-workers after they finish up work. I have probably talked with him a total of an hour this week (minus the camping trip), so it'll be nice having him home again for a long stretch!
Guess I should also mention that I'm pregnant now and almost half-way through my pregnancy. We will find out what we're having in just two short weeks and can't wait! It seems by your third pregnancy, you manage to tell most people the news, but I'm sure there are some readers out there who don't know yet and are noticing I'm putting on some weight in the pictures so I'll come right out and clear up that rumor! We are excited and also a little nervous about the age difference of Ethan and the new baby, but God's plans are perfect and we know what a gift children are from the Lord.
Looks like you've been having a lot of fun! Very cool:-)
That was so funny looking at your pictures of Lakeside. I've never been there, but since my old office was on the 5th floor of the bank building across the lake, that park was my view every day for 3 1/2 years:-)
Have a safe trip and lots of fun this weekend!
Janice- wow- congratulations on your pregnancy! We were planning on camping this weekend but the weather was so bad we did not go- I love seeing Ashley climbing on the rocks- I remember how the bigger kids loved that hill at Eleven Mile when we all went!
Congrats on another baby! If you are not busy enough now, you certainly will be!! It has been a while since I checked you blog & was surprised there was so much to catch up on. The kids are so cute in the pictures. It was good seeing you at Southlands...that has become my favorite shopping mall so I may see you again sometime.
sometime i would like to hear how it was getting the hummingbird out of the tent!=) look forward to talk with you soon.
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