Rob and I are definitely tired, even though he came into the world at a decent hour, you just don't get much sleep between nursing every 3 hours and the nurses popping into your room through out the night taking vitals on you and the baby. Highlights of the birth though was that I started slowly. I went into the doctor the previous day and hadn't progressed any yet. The doctor's office checked me on Thursday around noon and I was at 3 cm dilated, but still too early to go in. After a great walk in the 68 degree beautiful weather from the hospital to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and back with Rob, my contractions finally started coming where we had to pause for a minute on the walk back. (Maybe it was their spicy Southwest Chicken salad that finally brought on my labor!) We checked into the hospital around 2 pm at 4 cm dilated. My mother-in-law arrived shortly after to take the kids and my sister also came soon after to support me and witness the miracle of birth. It was awesome having her there and Rob enjoyed being able to go get food or go to the bathroom without having to leave me alone.
It moved pretty slowly during the afternoon - walking the halls of the hospital, using the exercise ball, squatting, leaning, kneeling, massaging, shower time, whatever sounded comfortable to me at the time. It took 5 hours to go the next 2 cm, and I thought it was going to go well into the night! I reached 7 cm around 9:30 and stayed at a 7 for the next hour - doctor is now on her way... However, following the tradition of his older brother of going so fast at the end that the doctor just misses the birth, he's already copying Ethan! After transition, my water broke in the bathroom at 10:41pm and Tyler arrived just 7 minutes later, almost on the bathroom floor if it weren't for my great L&D nurse, Rob, and Jennifer helping me back. We did have the on-call OB nurse there to catch him (barely!), but yes, again, the doctor was in the parking lot. Funny how you pay them so much and my babies seem to deliver themselves! We are doing great though, minus Ethan throwing up this evening all over the hospital floor with yet another bug he's caught. Nice to be staying in the hospital tonight though, as I may be getting more rest than poor Rob taking care of sick Ethan! Enjoy the picts we took today of the whole family and Tyler with the grandparents.