Friday, February 13, 2009

Life with Five!

I must say it's been a busy time with the five of us! It has been quite an adjustment period and Rob and I are getting by with less sleep now. I think when you go from two to three kids, you've lost quite a bit of your selfishness and that makes the transition much easier than the zero to one transition. For instance, you gave up sleeping in on the weekends long ago and are definitely more used to a routine with young kids. It is nice not being pregnant anymore and while the sleep is for shorter periods, I think it is better sleep without the heartburn and going back to sleeping on my back.

Tyler is waking up about two or three times in the night right now, but Rob is such a great husband and helps out as much as he can with bringing Tyler to me in the night and sometimes burping and settling him down after nursing. Our other two kids are definitely going through an adjustment period since they don't have as much of our focused attention as they did before Tyler was born. We did start our preschool routine again this week and I noticed that Ethan is more interested in what we're doing now and enjoys learning too. We did our first science experiment today, complete with a hypothesis and actual results for what will float and sink in a sink filled with water, so that was fun. Ashleigh was correct with 8/10 of the items and has a great concept of what will happen already!

Here's an amusing story about life with the three kids. Yesterday, I wanted to take the three kids to the decorate Valentine's Day cookies and do crafts at Calvary's Moms' group. It started at 9:00am, so I made a special effort to get myself ready and showered as soon as Rob left for work (6:30am). I got Ethan and Ashleigh breakfast after that, got them dressed, hair combed, teeth brushed, then around 8, I got Tyler up to nurse before we left. Things were looking good until Tyler had a large diaper blowout right as we were headed out the door and I needed to change and wash both his clothes and my clothes! It went through his diaper, onesie, velvet outfit, and into my pants, so we were a half-hour late to the craft, but still had time to do everything, and so it did end up being a fun activity. Just stressful getting three kids and myself ready and out the door by a certain time! I'm sure that will also get easier with time and getting out won't be quite so much of a drawn-out process!


amy luella said...

oh, you are amazing, janice! loved hearing ethan soakin' it up with his big sister during "school time."=)

Bowman Fam said...

So glad you guys could make it to the craft day! With three kids myself, I've given up on being on time. It's a little easier now that Ben is almost 2...but that whole first year being on time anywhere was almost impossible. Something always happens! You're doing a great job, enjoy your babies!

Hugs & blessings,